Nine Sneakers to Help Kim Jong-Un Reach New Heights

If Chosun Ilbo isn’t telling tall tales, this could be bad for Kim. Not for his image — we’re sure the bump in height makes him look great — but for his feet. And at a time when bulky brogues reign as supreme as Kim himself, cramming your toes into footwear from vertiginous angles is as unnecessary as it is uncomfortable.

Coming in at 1.7 metres (5ft 5in), Kim is five centimetres shorter than the average South Korean man. Height does not the man make, but size obviously matters to the leader of the nuclear state. So, we put together a collection of altitude-altering sneakers to help him inch towards his lofty goals.

From low-key lifts to absolute units, here are the best sneakers to help Kim Jong-un reach new heights.