of inferior quality – Translation into Chinese – examples English | Reverso Context

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The implementation of technical standards and quality inspection and maintenance system, maintenance of inferior quality, by the local department of transportation (Department) to give warning notification, and fined five hundred yuan to two thousand yuan fine

对不执行维修技术标准和质量检验制度,维修 质量低劣的 ,由当地交通局(科)给予警告、通报,并处以五百元至二千元罚款;

their lack of discernment and acceptance of inferior quality.

他们不识货,接受了 劣质品

The few large stones that were present were mostly of inferior quality.

现有的少量大块钻石大多数 质量低劣

Article 32 It is prohibited to produce, market and use pesticides of inferior quality.

第三十二条 禁止生产、经营和使用 劣质 农药。

“Every one is on a vineyard of inferior quality.”

“(德军)每个人都在 品质不佳的 葡萄园上面”

Cheaply made or done; of inferior quality

质量低劣 的: 轻易制造或完成 的;质量低劣 的:

Without Baunat I would have had to pay more for a ring of inferior quality.

如果没有BAUNAT,我可能会花更多的钱,却只能买到一枚 质量不如的 钻戒。

In these islands, a large amount of Robusta coffee is also produced which is excellent but of inferior quality to the Arabica.

在这些岛屿上,大量种植着优质但 品质次于 阿拉比卡 的 罗布斯塔咖啡。

However, markings are of inferior quality because of the tool that was used and are susceptible to rust.

然而,由于所用工具的缘故,标记 质量低劣 ,且容易生锈。

The same applies to cases of providing work of inferior quality than that specified in the contract, charging for goods or services never delivered, altering the specifications or the timing of completion etc.

这种办法同样适用于如下情况,即施工 质量 比合同 中 规定 的差 ,索取从未提供的商品或劳务的费用,改变规格或完工时间等。

Moreover, the seller had supplied goods of inferior quality and had not supplied the full quantity ordered.

此外,卖方供应的货物 质量低劣 ,而且卖方未按要求供应全部数量的货物。

The procurement systems established by some UNHCR field offices and partners were deficient, resulting in inefficiencies and the purchasing of inferior quality goods at higher prices.

难民专员办事处一些外地办事处及合作伙伴建立的采购制度有不足之处,导致效益低下,高价采购 质劣 物品。

A Russian buyer sued a Czech seller, claiming restitution of the price paid for technical equipment of inferior quality, which had been supplied under a contract between the two parties.

一名俄罗斯买方起诉一名捷克卖方,要求退还其为 质量低劣的 技术设备 所 支付 的 费用,该设备是根据当事双方订立的合同供应的。

However, as the illegally mined onyx marble is not taxed, the profit margin for illegally mined onyx marble remains high, even if it is of inferior quality.

但由于非法开采的缟玛瑙大理石是不交税的,因此即使 质量较差 ,非法开采来的缟玛瑙大理石的利润率仍然较高。

The producers’ supplementary materials, packaging materials and production equipment which are used exclusively for producing fake medicines and medicines of inferior quality shall be confiscated.

对生产者专门用于生产假药、 劣药 的原辅材料、包装材料、生产设备, 予以没收。

This is particularly true in regions where high-quality materials are expansive but local materials of inferior quality are readily available.

在高质量材料昂贵而 低质量的 本地材料很容易得到的地区,情况尤其如此。

Article 49 It is prohibited to produce and sell medicines of inferior quality, referring to the medicines whose components do not conform in quantity to that required by State pharmaceutical standards.

第四十九条 禁止生产、销售 劣药 。药品成份的含量不符合国家药品标准的, 为劣药。

Article 39The disposal of fake pesticides, pesticides of inferior quality, expired and scrapped pesticides, prohibited pesticides, waste packages and other wastes containing pesticides shall strictly comply with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations on environmental protection to avoid polluting the environment.

第三十九条 处理假农药、 劣质 农药、过期报废农药、禁用农药、废弃农药包装和其他含农药的废弃物,必须严格遵守环境保护法律、法规的有关规定,防止污染环境。

Kering takes seriously its obligation to protect its customers from being defrauded by counterfeiters selling goods of inferior quality, a company spokesperson said. This lawsuit is part of Kering s ongoing global effort to maintain its customers trust in its genuine products.

古琦认真执行它的责任,以保护消费者免受假货销售者的欺骗购买 低品质产品 ,一名公司发言人称,这起诉讼只是它维持消费者对其真实产品信心的持续不断的全球努力的一部分。

Article 86 A medicine whose mark is not in conformity with Article 54 of this Law shall be handled as fake medicine or medicine of inferior quality.

药品监督管理部门对药品广告不依法履行审查职责,批准发布 的广告 有虚假或者其他违反法律、行政法规的内容的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。