Pioneer SX-950 vs 1050/1250?

If all the units you are comparing are running old e-caps, including the speakers, you are not hearing them well.

If there are transistors or diodes in play that are known to get noisy, you may not be hearing them well.

After reworking many working units it is no longer a question in my mind that tired old parts may not sound their best.

When all the units you are talking about were new, your thought process about comparison was valid. Today, unless you are only dealing with properly rebuilt and correctly working units, your analysis towards a decision on what unit will be better to move to may is not applicable.

I have heard all the receiver models listed after restoration and they are all wonderful.

I have restored and repaired enough stuff and chased enough noise that I know there are times when a working units is not working well.

I know it sucks, but old is old and to really play vintage and get the true benefit, restoration is part of the game.

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