Professors for Quality Education (PQE) | Glendale Community College

Professors for Quality Education (PQE) is the Glendale College Guild’s political action committee. It seeks to assist candidates for the board of trustees who will support the college and its mission.


Charter of the “Professors for Quality Education” Political Action Committee

Article I Purpose
The purpose of Professors for Quality Education (hereafter, “PQE”) is to participate in the political process to further the causes of the Glendale Community College Guild (hereafter, “Guild”), which is PQE’s sponsor.
These causes include educating the public about community college issues, ensuring that Glendale Community College improves continuously, and, foremost of all, encouraging strong candidates to run for the Glendale Community College District Board of Trustees.

Article II Voting Membership
All Guild members and only Guild members may vote on decisions related to PQE.
Article III Endorsement Procedure
A. In anticipation of each election for the Glendale Community College District Board of Trustees, a PQE Campaign Committee shall be formed. The committee shall interview the candidates, deliberate, and decide based on approval which candidate(s) to recommend for endorsement. In addition, all candidates shall be invited to a forum open to all members of the campus community during the first week of the Spring semester. The recommendations shall be brought to the Executive Committee of the Guild, who shall discuss them and where, after careful deliberation, the Executive Committee shall decide by approval voting on PQE’s recommended endorsement(s). Executive Committee’s recommendation shall be brought to the next membership meeting of the Guild. Only after the Executive Committee’s recommendation(s) have been given, and after a motion to endorse a given Trustee candidate has passed by a majority of those voting at the membership meeting, shall the candidate have earned PQE’s endorsement.
B. For political positions other than Board of Trustee elections, if 2/3 of the Executive Committee declares the proposed position urgent, PQE’s endorsement may be immediately given if approved by 3/4 of the votes cast at a membership meeting. If the proposed position is not declared urgent, PQE’s endorsement may only be given if the position is proposed at the regular membership meeting immediately prior to one in which it is approved by 3/4 of the votes cast.

Article IV PQE Campaign Committee
A. Each PQE Campaign Committee must include the Public Information Officer of the Guild, as well as a minimum of 4 other Guild members.
B. Guild Executive Committee shall select the other members of each PQE Campaign Committee with the goal of creating an effective committee, that is also balanced in all relevant aspects.
C. Each PQE Campaign Committee shall be retired after its election is over, so that a new one may be formed for the next campaign. There are no restrictions against members serving on multiple campaign committees over time.
D. No PQE Campaign Committee member shall be held liable for any action taken or omitted in good faith, nor for acts of any agent of the committee, nor for any act or omission of any other committee member. The committee is authorized to provide indemnification for any member of the committee from liability on any claims or proceedings instituted against him or her as a result of their work on the committee, and to hold such persons harmless from any expenses connected to the defense, settlement, or payment of monetary judgments on such claims or proceedings.

Article V Expenditure Authorization
A. The Treasurer of the Guild shall also serve as the Treasurer of PQE, and shall be responsible for all official filings related to PQE.
B. The signature of both the President and the Treasurer of the Guild shall be required on all PQE checks. Expenditures of PQE money may only be made in support of positions endorsed by PQE following the processes described in this charter.
C. In Board of Trustee elections, individual expenditures up to $500 may be approved by the Campaign Committee acting on its own. Expenditures between $500 and $2500 may be recommended by campaign committee, but may not be made until approved by the Executive Committee of the Guild and must be recorded in the official minutes of that body. Expenditures of more than $2500 may not be made until approved by the Guild membership.
D. In support of positions other than Board of Trustee elections, expenditures may only be authorized by 3/4 of the votes cast at a membership meeting of the Guild.

Article VI Termination
A. PQE may only be terminated by 2/3 of the votes cast in a secret ballot vote distributed to all Guild members.
B. In the event that PQE is terminated, its leftover funds shall be donated to the COPE fund of the California Federation of Teachers.

Articles VII Amendment Procedures

A. Amendments to this charter may be proposed to the membership if approved by 2/3 of the Guild’s Executive Committee.
B. If 2/3 of the Executive Committee also declares the proposed amendment urgent, it may be immediately approved by a 3/4 vote of the Guild members present at a membership meeting. If the amendment is not declared urgent, it may only be approved by 2/3 of the votes cast in a secret ballot vote distributed to all Guild members.
C. Amendments shall take effect immediately upon their adoption, unless their effective date is otherwise specified in the proposed amendment.