Quality Control Engineer – OnlineCollege.org

Why Is Quality Control Engineering a Job of Tomorrow?
Smart businesses know that top-notch products and services are what attract customers, and quality control engineers ensure that businesses meet those high standards. Employment opportunities for quality control engineers are expected to increase 6 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Quality control engineers earn an average salary of $69,300 annually, according to CNN Money.

What Does a Quality Control Engineer Do?
Quality control engineers are responsible for testing new products and determining whether those products meet the standards of the business in reliability, durability and functionality. Many consumers are willing to pay more for a superior product, according to CNN Money, and quality control engineers can help companies gain those lucrative sales. In addition, producing quality goods helps to build the business’ integrity, boosting its brand name and thereby drawing in more customers. For these reasons, quality control engineers have the important duty of ensuring that the products developed by their employers are meeting the standards of the organization. Quality control engineers are also responsible for determining what might be a common cause for product failure and develop methods of remedying these weaknesses. Some quality control engineers are responsible for writing procedures and drafting the evaluations for the products they work with.

What Kind of Training Do I Need to Become a Quality Control Engineer?
Quality control engineers must have at least a bachelor’s degree in an engineering specialty or another related field. A bachelor’s degree takes four years to earn, and courses cover topics that relate to the engineering specialty studied, though standard classes include physics and mathematics. Those wishing to increase their marketability should earn a graduate degree in the engineering field. A master’s degree would take an additional two to three years to obtain, and a doctorate degree would take an additional four years.