Quality Engineering Interview Questions

Quality Engineering Interview Questions

Real interview questions from real Slalom Build QE interviewers

Skills Interview Question #1

Blake Norrish
Senior Director of Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

Building automation for non-trivial software is a critical skill for quality engineers. However, real E2E test automation is so much more than just finding the right selector to click a button.

What a good answer looks like

E2E tests can exhibit flaky behavior for many reasons, and good answers will cover a variety of these, while talking intelligently about why they might happen and possibly what can be done about them. Let’s go through some examples.

Skills Interview Question #2

Jeff Averill
Director of Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

Automation has many pitfalls — from flaky tests to gaps in coverage and everything in between. There is no perfect science in what to automate that applies everywhere, and this answer can help uncover how an interviewee thinks about their automation approach. It speaks to their experience, challenges in their career, changes in best practices over time, and so much more.

What a good answer looks like

My expectations depend on the level of the individual. At the basic level, I don’t want to hear “everything.”

Skills Interview Question #3

Dan Snell
Director of Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

I ask this question to assess both general coding approaches as well as specific test automation concepts. Even this small, simple code sample allows me to look at both.

What a good answer looks like

There are two parts to this: automation-specific answers and general coding parts.

Skills Interview Question #4

Adam Tapper
Principal, Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey identifies one habit as “Begin With the End in Mind.” This means that every undertaking should have a clear direction and desired outcome.

What a good answer looks like

There is no specific correct answer to this question; rather, I am looking for candidates to think beyond the idea that we test to find defects or ensure quality. I’ll explain a few possible answers below.

Skills Interview Question #5

Ramana Manohar
Director of Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

Many teams do not put enough emphasis on test environments and branching strategy as a component of their test strategy. This can prove to be problematic, especially for QEs on the team. Is this a challenge that you can help address?

What a good answer looks like

There is no ONE right or wrong answer to this question. Specific answers will vary greatly depending on the experience, exposure, and skill of the candidate.

  • You mentioned that you’re familiar with Jenkins. Can you elaborate your role? Did you just click a job to trigger your tests or were you actually involved in building the job and maintaining them?
  • What types of branching/development models are you familiar with? Can you explain a popular model (Trunk-based, GitFlow, etc.) and how QE fits into this?
  • Is testing done only on the QA/Test environments? Are you thinking of the testing pyramid and how various types of testing can be performed at different stages and environments?
  • What types of testing are done at different stages of promotion? Are you able to suggest what testing should go where?
  • What about code promotes and branching strategy? Do you see yourselves involved in this process?
  • What’s your opinion on whether QE should be included in the PR approval process?
  • How do you come up with the mechanism for conducting smoke & regression tests?
  • How doe this particular topic fit into the overall test strategy for the project?

Skills Interview Question #6

Jake Kline
Principal, Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

One, the question is deliciously open-ended giving the candidate the freedom (and perhaps the curse) to go anywhere she wants based on her career experience, imagination, and critical thinking. It’s also evocative of those delirious word problems they’d administer in math class that require essay responses. Nostalgia aside, time is limited and I need questions that inspire conversation, examine technical skills across many dimensions, and are flexible enough to be abandoned and returned to based on the overall flow of the interview (i.e. if we wanted to deep-dive into python or OWASP and then return to solutioning Fakeflix, we could.)

What a good answer looks like

Like I suggested earlier, all answers are context driven. Remember, this question could lead to a good discussion about using Cypress versus Playwright or solving for a severe miscalculation in QE staffing. Is one objectively better or worse than the other? Keep an open mind about responses. Build a mental model of what is said and try to visualize what the candidate is telling you. That said, I believe there are several conceptual components to a good answer.

Behavioral Interview Question #1

Christin Wiedemann
Senior Director of Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

I favor open-ended questions that allow for interpretation and give the interviewee the freedom to provide the answers that make sense to them. I want my questions to spur a dialogue, an exchange of thoughts and ideas. At the same time, I appreciate that any interview situation can be stressful, and that not everyone is used to, or comfortable with, that kind of interaction. I try to make sure to guide the interviewee along with clarifications and follow up questions if I sense they that are unsure of what I’m expecting of them, or how to respond.

What a good answer looks like

A good answer shows that you’ve thought about your own learning, and that growing — personally and professionally — is something that you’re passionate about. You are committed to investing in yourself.

Behavioral Interview Question #2

Blake Norrish
Senior Director of Quality Engineering

Why I ask This question

There are several things I’m looking for when I ask this question.

What a good answer looks like

The exact answer will depend on the nature of the interaction you choose to talk about and your experience level- how a director level candidate responds should be different from how an early career engineer responds.

Behavioral Interview Question #3

Jeff Averill
Director of Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

This is a very broad question. What I like about it is that it shows me not just what the candidate is thinking, but also provides a peek into their work history: what type of environment they have worked in, how their team members perceive them, and what empowerment they have been given, just to name a few. Many places focus on metrics alone for their measure of quality — and being tactical has its advantages. But I want people to think broader than just metrics.

What answers I look for

I want to hear what proactive activities can occur to champion quality. Quality does not come just from testing and automation. There can be all sorts of actions taken before any automation code is written or testing is done:

  • Asking for clarity on acceptance criteria or even the impact a user story may have more broadly on the application
  • Discussing the intended approach with the developer and solution owner
  • Walking through designs from a user perspective
  • Discussing impacts that changes to functionality will have on other areas of the application

Behavioral Interview Question #4

Christin Wiedemann
Senior Director of Quality Engineering

Why I ask this question

The best interview questions are the ones that spark an interesting discussion, rather than merely prompting an answer. My goal is never to make you as an interviewee struggle, on the contrary — I want the interview to be a good experience for both of us, regardless of whether you will ultimately be joining our team or not. I do, however, want to try to understand if you would be able to succeed, and grow, in the role you are interviewing for. To do this, I will ask you a series of questions that probe a wide range of topics.

What a good answer looks like

A good answer talks about what you are proud of, what you are passionate about, and what motivates you. This is truly your moment to shine, so take it and make the most of it. It is also your last chance to tell me what makes you, you. What is unique about you that will make me remember you?

Thanks for reading!

Slalom Build Quality Engineers, 2022