quality management tqm: Topics by WorldWideScience.org


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    Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah


    Full Text Available The main aim of this study is to examine the moderating role of soft quality management practices (management commitment, customer focus, employee involvement, training and education, reward and recognition and supplier relationship between hard quality management and performance. The study uses data from 255 Electrical & Electronic organizations in Malaysia. A stepwise regression method was used. The results provided empirical support for the moderating role of soft quality management practices on the relationship between hard quality management and performance in a Malaysian context.

  2. Probability concepts in quality risk management.

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    Claycamp, H Gregg


    Essentially any concept of risk is built on fundamental concepts of chance, likelihood, or probability. Although risk is generally a probability of loss of something of value, given that a risk-generating event will occur or has occurred, it is ironic that the quality risk management literature and guidelines on quality risk management tools are relatively silent on the meaning and uses of “probability.” The probability concept is typically applied by risk managers as a combination of frequency-based calculation and a “degree of belief” meaning of probability. Probability as a concept that is crucial for understanding and managing risk is discussed through examples from the most general, scenario-defining and ranking tools that use probability implicitly to more specific probabilistic tools in risk management. A rich history of probability in risk management applied to other fields suggests that high-quality risk management decisions benefit from the implementation of more thoughtful probability concepts in both risk modeling and risk management. Essentially any concept of risk is built on fundamental concepts of chance, likelihood, or probability. Although “risk” generally describes a probability of loss of something of value, given that a risk-generating event will occur or has occurred, it is ironic that the quality risk management literature and guidelines on quality risk management methodologies and respective tools focus on managing severity but are relatively silent on the in-depth meaning and uses of “probability.” Pharmaceutical manufacturers are expanding their use of quality risk management to identify and manage risks to the patient that might occur in phases of the pharmaceutical life cycle from drug development to manufacture, marketing to product discontinuation. A probability concept is typically applied by risk managers as a combination of data-based measures of probability and a subjective “degree of belief” meaning of probability. Probability as

  3. Quality management in a radiological practice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kirsch, Michael, E-mail: [email protected] [Department of Radiology, Universitaetsklinikum Greifswald der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald AOR, Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Strasse, 17487 Greifswald (Germany); Vogg, Ingrid, E-mail: [email protected] [Stapelfelder Strasse 84, 22143 Hamburg (Germany); Hosten, Norbert, E-mail: [email protected] [Department of Radiology, Universitaetsklinikum Greifswald der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald AOR, Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Strasse, 17487 Greifswald (Germany); Flessa, Steffen, E-mail: [email protected] [General Business Studies and Health Management, Friedrich-Loeffler-Strasse 70, 17487 Greifswald (Germany)


    This paper describes the introduction of a total quality management system in a radiological practice. Certification was based on DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. The implementation of the quality management system had to overcome a number of barriers, for instance, legal obligations of a partnership association, leadership problems, and the fear to loose all hindered implementation. The knowledge of these barriers induces a faster and cheaper implementation of a quality management system in a radiological practice as a foundation of improved quality and competitiveness.

  4. Quality management in a radiological practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirsch, Michael; Vogg, Ingrid; Hosten, Norbert; Flessa, Steffen


    This paper describes the introduction of a total quality management system in a radiological practice. Certification was based on DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. The implementation of the quality management system had to overcome a number of barriers, for instance, legal obligations of a partnership association, leadership problems, and the fear to loose all hindered implementation. The knowledge of these barriers induces a faster and cheaper implementation of a quality management system in a radiological practice as a foundation of improved quality and competitiveness.

  5. Quality management: does it pay off?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Heuvel, J.; Bogers, A.J.J.C.; Does, R.J.M.M.; van Dijk, S.L.; Berg, M.


    Health care today is facing serious quality problems while costs are exploding. Quality management therefore becomes a major strategic challenge. In this article, we go through the strategy deployment and quality management process of the Red Cross Hospital in the Netherlands. Growth, efficiency

  6. Development of Quality Management Systems: How Have Disruptive Technological Innovations in Quality Management Affected Organizations?

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    Pasi Hellman


    Full Text Available This research investigates the history of quality and development of quality management systems. History of quality is investigated from Hammurabi’s law all the way to today’s reigning quality initiatives including ISO, Six Sigma and Lean manufacturing. In the last chapters the current state of quality management is being examined. The foresight method is also opened up and examined. The Innovator’s dilemma concept, originally presented by Clayton Christensen, is used to analyse how quality management systems have been evolved in the last 100 years. Special emphasis is placed on the US manufacturing in the 1970s and 1980s. Based on the literature, the concept of Innovator’s dilemma and the fall of US manufacturing are merged. The result is a prime example that the Innovator’s Dilemma is a universal phenomenon. The industry leader is trying to maintain its position and do everything right but still it is destined to fail. The causes and effects are being discussed in later chapters.

  7. Quality management in Irish health care.

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    Ennis, K; Harrington, D


    This paper reports on the findings from a quantitative research study of quality management in the Irish health-care sector. The study findings suggest that quality management is what hospitals require to become more cost-effective and efficient. The research also shows that the culture of health-care institutions must change to one where employees experience pride in their work and where all are involved and committed to continuous quality improvement. It is recommended that a shift is required from the traditional management structures to a more participative approach. Furthermore, all managers whether from a clinical or an administration background must understand one another’s role in the organisation. Finally, for quality to succeed in the health-care sector, strong committed leadership is required to overcome tensions in quality implementation.

  8. Leadership and Total Quality Management

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    leadership and management skills yields increased productivity. This paper will focus on the skills required of senior level leaders (leaders at the…publication until it has been cleared by the appropriate mii..-, service or government agency. Leadership and Total Quality Management An Individual Study…llty Codes fAvti1 and/or DltISpecial Abstract AUTHOR: Harry D. Gatanas, LTC, USA TITLE: Leadership and Total Quality Management FORMAT- Individual

  9. Total quality management implementation guidelines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    These Guidelines were designed by the Energy Quality Council to help managers and supervisors in the Department of Energy Complex bring Total Quality Management to their organizations. Because the Department is composed of a rich mixture of diverse organizations, each with its own distinctive culture and quality history, these Guidelines are intended to be adapted by users to meet the particular needs of their organizations. For example, for organizations that are well along on their quality journeys and may already have achieved quality results, these Guidelines will provide a consistent methodology and terminology reference to foster their alignment with the overall Energy quality initiative. For organizations that are just beginning their quality journeys, these Guidelines will serve as a startup manual on quality principles applied in the Energy context.

  10. Development of accounting quality management system

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    Plakhtii T.F.


    Full Text Available Accounting organization as one of the types of practical activities at the enterprise involves organization of the process of implementation of various kinds of accounting procedures to ensure meeting needs of the users of accounting information. Therefore, to improve its quality an owner should use tools, methods and procedures that enable to improve the quality of implementation of accounting methods and technology. The necessity of using a quality management system for the improvement of accounting organization at the enterprise is substantiated. The system of accounting quality management is developed and grounded in the context of ISO 9001:2015, which includes such processes as the processes of the accounting system, leadership, planning, and evaluation. On the basis of specification and justification of the set of universal requirements (content requirements, formal requirements the model of the environment of demands for high-quality organization of the computerized accounting system that improves the process of preparing high quality financial statements is developed. In order to improve the system of accounting quality management, to justify the main objectives of its further development, namely elimination of unnecessary characteristics of accounting information, the differences between the current level of accounting information quality and its perfect level are considered; the meeting of new needs of users of accounting information that have not been satisfied yet. The ways of leadership demonstration in the system of accounting quality management of accounting subjects at the enterprise are substantiated. The relationship between the current level of accounting information quality and its perfect level is considered. The possible types of measures aimed at improving the system of accounting quality management are identified. The paper grounds the need to include the principle of proper management in the current set of accounting

  11. General principles of the quality management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koutaniemi, P.


    The objective of the presentation is to outline some general infrastructure of nuclear industry with regard to the quality management; to emphasise significance of safety management as an integral part of the quality management; and to highlight different steps of the management process in a near-time working, at an annual level and as a strategic process

  12. Are Students Customers? TQM and Marketing Perspectives

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    Eagle, Lynne; Brennan, Ross


    Purpose: This paper seeks to evaluate the arguments for and against the proposition that students in higher education are “customers” and should be treated as such. Design/methodology/approach: A critical review of the relevant literature from the domains of total quality management and marketing. Findings: The debate is polarised, with advocates…


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    Cornelia Petroman


    Full Text Available Producing high quality beef asks for the implementation of a performing management of raising cattle ecologically. The main ways of improving beef quality management have a technical nature: sustaina ble grazing management to conserve floral diversity and to obtain ecological beef and rational distribution of the cattle over the grassland to facilitate vegetation recovery and to avoid the setting of invasive species. Implementing a sustainable manageme nt of the resources in the neighborhood of animal farms has beneficial effects on beef quality, brings good economic income through the practice of best beef quality management, protects the environment long – term, and reduces infrastructure expenses thus a voiding the risks of meat contamination.

  14. [Quality management in cardiovascular echography].

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    Gullace, Giuseppe


    The quality management of an organization can be defined as the ability to identify, plan and implement programs of measure, analysis, verification and control that allow to monitor management, resources, activities, processes and output/outcome of the same organization, including the satisfaction of the customers. Whatever the model used, it is demonstrated that the management-quality system, either for professional quality or for organization, turns out to be effective even in the health organizations within and to any level of organizational-structural complexity. The present paper concerns the experience of the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Echography (SIEC) on quality certification, both as a scientific society compared to other health organizations and to cardiovascular echo laboratories, and the definition of minimum requirements for the accreditation of the same laboratories. The model most frequently used for quality management is represented by the ISO 9000: Vision 2000, that is a management model with specific reference to the organization and the customer satisfaction. The model applied to the health structure needs a rapid change in mentality that addresses the operators to define, share and achieve objectives to be brought on by means of an active collaboration, group activity and deep sense of belonging necessary to the attainment of expected objectives. When the model is applied by a scientific society, it is necessary to take into account the different structural and functional organization, the constitution and the operators differing on the point of view of origin, experiences, mentality, and roles. The ISO 9000: Vision 2000 model can be applied also to the cardiovascular echo laboratory which may be compared to a simple organization; for its corrected functioning, SIEC has defined minimal requirements for the accreditation, realization and modalities to carry out and manage quality. The quality system represents a new way of operating of an

  15. Quality management and quality assurance contracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teichler, M.


    Quality assurance contracts belong to the most important instruments of quality management systems. As a result of such contracts, quality control is to be done not only by the buyer, but is made a task to be fulfilled by the manufacturer. The author of the article shows that quality assurance contracts do change the contractual relationship between supplier and buyer, but have no effect on economic and practical conditions. This is so because quality assurance contracts apply only to warranty claims, which play a subordinate role in the legal relationship between producer and buyer, or producer and consumer, as compared to the claims for damages arising out of the contracts. (orig.) [de


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    L. Van Dyk


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    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Industrial Engineering concepts are often referred to as either a tool, technique, method, approach or philosophy. These terminologies can be positioned on a continuum according to their meaning as defined by the Oxford English dictionary (tools B techniques Bmethods B approaches B philosophies. The philosophy of Total Quality Management is used as example to show how the appropriate naming of Industrial Engineering concepts can enhance the understanding and application thereof. This continuum is used to show that although the philosophies of TQM and Scientific Management may differ, the same pool of tools and techniques are used by both of these philosophies.

    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bedryfsingenieurs verwys dikwels na filosofiee, benaderings, metodes, tegnieke en gereedskap. Hierdie terminologiee kan kan op ‘n kontinuum geposisioneer word na aanleiding van hulle woordeboekbetekenis (gereedskap f-t tegniek f-t metode f-t benadering f-t filosofie. Die filosofie .van Totale Kwaliteitsbeheer (TQM word as voorbeeld gebruik om te wys dat die gepaste benaming van Bedryfsingenieurskonsepte die begrip en toepassing daarvan verhoog . Hierdie kontinuum word gebruik om te wys dat, alhoewel die filosofie van TQM en Wetenskaplike Bestuur (“Scientific Management” verskil, dieselfde versameling vail gereedskap en tegnieke deur beide gebruik word.

  17. [From quality management to dynamic management through quality: Deployment within a radiotherapy group].

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    Guerrier, B; Halm, É; Craman, M; Dujols, J-P; Norkowski, J-L; Meynard, K


    In 2015, the quality group of the radiotherapy clinic Groupement de Radiothérapie et d’Oncologie des Pyrénées (GROP, Pau, France) decided to review the deployment of its quality approach in order to optimize it continuously. For this, two improvements were proposed: an involvement of process drivers and a material and financial investment in document management software. The implementation of these organizational and managerial provisions enabled us to better cover the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard, the international reference in quality management. Copyright © 2017 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. Effects of Business School Student’s Study Time on the Learning Process

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    Tetteh, Godson Ayertei


    Purpose: This paper aims to clarify the relationship between the student’s study time and the learning process in the higher education system by adapting the total quality management (TQM) principles-process approach. Contrary to Deming’s (1982) constancy of purpose to improve the learning process, some students in higher education postpone their…

  19. Construction quality management principles and good practice

    CERN Document Server

    Watson, Paul


    Quality management is essential for facilitating the competitiveness of modern day commercial organizations. Excellence in quality management is a requisite for construction organizations who seek to remain competitive and successful. The challenges presented by competitive construction markets and large projects that are dynamic and complex necessitate the adoption and application of quality management approaches. This textbook is written in line with the ISO 9001:2008 standard and provides a comprehensive evaluation of quality management systems and tools. Their effectiveness in achieving project objectives is explored, as well as applications in corporate performance enhancement. Both the strategic and operational dimensions of quality assurance are addressed by focusing on providing models of best practice. The reader is supported throughout by concise and clear explanations and with self-assessment questions. Practical case study examples show how various evaluative-based quality management systems and t…

  20. Da onda da gestão da qualidade a uma filosofia da qualidade da gestão: Balanced Scorecard promovendo mudanças

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    Andréa Cavalcanti Correia Lima


    Full Text Available No final da década de 80 a Gestão da Qualidade Total (GQT era apresentada como capaz de resolver todos os problemas e atender a todas as necessidades da gestão das organizações. Buscando solucionar problemas de gestão não equacionados pela GQT, muitas organizações começam a adotar o Balanced Scorecard (BSC. Uma questão ainda não discutida com profundidade no mundo acadêmico é a viabilidade de integração desses dois modelos. O presente artigo discute a possibilidade de integração dessas duas ferramentas, verificando as melhorias que podem alcançar, principalmente no gerenciamento da estratégia da organização. Assim sendo, realizou-se estudo de caso no Caesar Park Hotel Fortaleza (CPHF, empresa que vêm adotando com sucesso os dois modelos. A pesquisa revela que é possível integrar os princípios da GQT com os do BSC, à medida que os fundamentos de ambos se complementam, sendo assim a utilização conjunta das ferramentas propicia melhor gerenciamento da estratégia da organização.In recent years, many organizations have been managed according to the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM, which became known around the globe in the 1980’s, when looking for explanations for the so-called “Japanese miracle”. TQM was presented as being capable of solving all problems and attending to all company management needs, a stage that seems outdated now. In the search for a model that would allow them to analyze and follow up the implementation of organizational strategies, without remaining limited to Quality indicators, many companies started to adopt the Balanced Scorecard (BSC. Companies using TQM question whether it is viable together with the BSC. In order to contribute to a solution to this question, this article discusses the possibility of aligning these two tools. Therefore, a case study was carried out at the Caesar Park Hotel Fortaleza, a company that implanted TQM in 1997 and started to adopt the BSC in 2000. The