Rendering quality – Enscape Video Tutorial | LinkedIn Learning, formerly

– [Instructor] The last thing underneath visual settings that we need to take a look at in the rendering tab is called rendering quality. Now there are four different options currently and those go from draft to medium, high, and ultra. Draft is the least-graphics intensive of all the different options that are available to you. Ultra, that’ll give you the best possible graphics. Now ultra, the good news about that is that you should always have high quality. The bad news about ultra is it does take longer to process. On the other hand, draft doesn’t take nearly as long to process. You can just see that I moved this bar over to draft and we can see the qualify of the rendering that we have currently. In particular look up here on the second floor and notice how things are starting to render out here on the second floor. Now if I move it over to medium, give it a second to start to actually regenerate the way that it…