Sacred Skin | Acne Serum & Moisturizer

Our Acne serum & moisturizer is an apothecary prepared medicinal oil made of tree resins, roots, bark and flowers to specifically help fight, soothe and heal acne.  

White willow bark – contains natures original acne fighting BHA, salicin. The use of white willow bark dates back to Hippocrates (400 BC) and still today is a prized remedy for inflammatory skin conditions and acne due to its ability to clear out dead skin and bacteria inside the pores which lead to acne. 

Myrrh Resin – highly medicinal tree resin historically used to treat topical skin conditions from infections, fungus to acne. Myrrh’s antiseptic activity specifically targets acne causing bacteria buildup in the pores that lead to puss filled pimples. 

Poplar Buds – An American folk herbal remedy, poplar buds are rich in delightful aromatic healing resins used topically to heal the inflammatory and angry parts of acne due to their abundant flavonoid activity. 

Pinion Resin – helps to clear the skins pores of clogged debris like bacteria, dead cells and excess oil all which lead to acne and inflammation. 

Calendula – a tried and true ever so popular topical healing remedy for the skin. Calendula is soothing, calming while still being able to combat acne, rashes and inflammation. 

Echinacea Root & Flower – provides a safe three-fold benefit for acne lesions by inhibiting proliferation of the acne and reversing the bacterial-induced spread of acne as well as strengthening the immune system within the skin to fight acne naturally. 

Other ingredients: naturally refined eco-cert certified jojoba oil, pastured emu oil, pastured grain-free soy-free leaf lard from a regenerative farm USA. 

*The oils chosen for this product are lower in saturated fats, which can aggravate acne prone skin due to their buttery richness; but still, in true Kossma fashion, does not contain any inflammatory high PUFA seed oils just light and soothing animal fats of leaf lard and emu oil which preforms remarkably well on acne skin types. 


Benefits of Animal Based Skincare:

  • Rich in bioactive nutrients
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Doesn’t clog pores, but works with your sebaceous glands 
  • Supports a strong immune system

  • Helps treat, prevent and reduce infection (pimples)

*Suitable for daily use or as desired (25ML)

The Kossma Promise:

  • PUFA aware Seed Oils

  • No Essentials Oils

  • No Hormones 

  • No Pesticides