The better general : Pyrrhus vs Hannibal and Alexander – Page 5

…and alexander took over an empire with vast recources and an almost unlimited supply of manpower and they had some of the best horsemen…also in incredible numbers…and last, but imho not their best card in this game is their fearsome chariots.

then we have Hannibal…he wasnt only a master tactician but also inspired his multicultural army from many different tribes and nations to fight and win against incredible odds. and when it comes to being a great commander i think its more important to inspire the men to keep on fighting then it is to just have the better army….through inspiration he forged the better army from many cultural differing peoples.

and i dont have a third place…but i do think that would indeed be phyrrhus or Gaius julius Caesar.

alexander at the top…very very lonely…all because he took on and beat up the mighty persian empire…and anyone that may say they had a horrible army of peasants with pitchforks that could at their best slaughter a cow might consider thinking about how they got that massive empire then…and alexander took over an empire with vast recources and an almost unlimited supply of manpower and they had some of the best horsemen…also in incredible numbers…and last, but imho not their best card in this game is their fearsome chariots.then we have Hannibal…he wasnt only a master tactician but also inspired his multicultural army from many different tribes and nations to fight and win against incredible odds. and when it comes to being a great commander i think its more important to inspire the men to keep on fighting then it is to just have the better army….through inspiration he forged the better army from many cultural differing peoples.and i dont have a third place…but i do think that would indeed be phyrrhus or Gaius julius Caesar.