Top 35 Quality Control (QC) Interview Questions and Answers 2023

There isn’t any software that is completely perfect. In order to enhance the quality of the software, it is essential to ensure the effective performance of software applications. Quality control is crucial to the software’s efficient operation. In order to crack the quality control interview, you will need a list of the most common Quality Control interview questions and answers to prepare ahead of time.

These questions have been added to the list by MindMajix’s experts after extensive research and analysis of data from numerous interviews done for the quality control role. We’ll begin with the easy questions first for beginners and work up to the tougher ones for experienced professionals.

We have categorized Quality Control (QC) Interview Questions into 3 levels they are:

Top 10 Quality Control (QC) Interview Questions

Quality Control Interview Questions For Freshers

1. Explain Quality Control (QC)

The Software Development Life Cycle includes Software Quality Control as an essential component (SDLC). Software quality control refers to a collection of practises, guidelines, or standards that a company uses to deliver high-quality software products while also achieving certain quality objectives. The quality of a software product is ensured by a QC professional. Qualified quality-control specialists are required to monitor software quality and recommend essential improvements in practically every IT sector. The position is highly analytical, offers excellent employment prospects, is well compensated, and has a fairly balanced workload.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Quality Assurance, then enroll in “Quality Assurance (QA) Training“. This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. What is a good test case?

In order to verify that a system is functioning properly and meeting its requirements, a test case often entails a collection of circumstances, variables, and/or actions being applied to the system. suitable test scenarios consist of:

  • Meaningful Pass/Fail Verifications: Detailed definitions of success and failure, together with methods for determining both, are necessary for meaningful pass/fail verifications.
  • Clear Objective: Establish the purpose and parameters of the test with a clear objective.
  • Independent Test Case Execution: The execution of a single test case shouldn’t be dependent on the results of other test cases. Your individual, modular test cases should be able to be integrated into sequential or parallel execution test suites to produce a larger end-to-end test.
  • Clear and Concise Documentation: documents that are concise and clear Your test cases should have consistent formats with descriptions, unique ID number, prerequisites, connected datasets, and anticipated results.
  • Reusability: Create test cases that are simple to maintain and modular. Although test cases may change as the system being tested changes over time, we absolutely want to develop test cases that can be used repeatedly.
  • Traceability to Requirements: Test cases should be able to be traced back to the system requirements they are testing. We must make sure that we test every modification and necessity and not only squander time testing ancillary parts.

3. What does a quality control specialist do?

Some of the duties a quality control engineer or expert must carry out include the following:

  • Create, put into action, and enhance methods and procedures for quality control.
  • Together with top managers, make sure that quality control procedures are in line with business goals.
  • Create thorough, organised, and detailed test strategies and cases.
  • Examine operations from the QC point of view.
  • Inspections for quality control.
  • To find problems, trends, and faults, do statistical analysis from the perspective of quality control.
  • Encourage a culture where employees feel free to speak up about quality control problems or flaws without being punished or held accountable.
  • Discuss inspection findings with team members and managers.
  • Make sure a process is in place for getting rid of defective products.
  • Keep up with new testing techniques, tools, etc.

4. How are software bugs minimised?

The methods listed below can help you lower the number of errors and losses in your programme:

Software Bugs Minimised

  • Regularly check on the software items’ progress.
  • Make sure that your code is easy to read, understand, and unit test. Simple programming produces fewer flaws and is quicker to fix.
  • Your ability to test each component independently will increase if your code has been divided into distinct modules. Your code’s modularity will make testing less difficult and more straightforward.
  • You shouldn’t rely on code comments to make code more legible; instead, they should be as brief and clear as possible.
  • Not ignoring compiler warnings is a good idea. Code problems that could lead to errors are shown via compiler warnings.
  • Test, test, and test again! You can find defects sooner in the development process and fix them more quickly than if they are discovered later. This is accomplished via testing at various phases.
  • Cutting corners and rushing the release could cause more issues for the firm and the application. Don’t cut corners; instead, implement best practises now to prevent costly and time-consuming mistakes in the future, etc.

[ Check out What is Quality Assurance (QA)? ]

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of software quality control?

The benefits and drawbacks of software quality control are as follows:

Advantages of QC:

  • The needs and exceptions of the customer are taken into account when validating software programmes.
  • It is employed to find software flaws and stop the selling of subpar goods and services.
  • The team produces more effectively.
  • The process of developing software is simplified, and the finished product’s quality is raised.
  • Increased faith in project management and ongoing progress.
  • Additionally, because it is implemented from scratch or at the beginning of the development phase, it lowers the expenses associated with re-development and re-work.
  • It raises software effectiveness and customer happiness.

Disadvantages of QC:

  • Process testing takes extra time. As a result, software deployment may be postponed.
  • More resources are required for software validation.
  • The salaries of inspectors and the expenses associated with laboratory testing add up to the cost of inspecting goods and services. If the software programme is turned down, an organisation will have a serious budgeting problem.
  • Nobody is accountable for the calibre of their own work.

6. What skills or qualities are crucial in making quality control successful?

The quality control specialist is in charge of preserving the products’ quality during production. Using internal criteria and procedures, quality control specialists assess software products or services. A careful attention to detail,  problem-solving skills and excellent communication, planning, and are necessary for this line of work. Additionally, they need to be logical thinkers with good managerial and interpersonal abilities.

7. What objects do you include in your test cases?

There are seven key artefacts that can be taken into account while writing test cases: functional requirement specification, requirement comprehension documents, user stories, acceptance criteria, use cases, UAT test cases and wireframes. The goal should be to incorporate all pertinent artefacts whenever they relate to the test product.

8. What exactly does “branch testing” entail?

Branch testing is the process of simultaneously testing every branch of a piece of code. This method makes it possible to run all reachable code by allowing each branch from each decision point to be executed at least once. You must test both True and False outcomes because each result from a code module is checked as a binary result as part of branch testing. The following are some features offered by branch testing that are typically helpful for software projects:

  • All of the code’s branches can be validated.
  • This kind of testing is not functional.
  • By employing this technique, all branches are examined to make sure they do not result in anomalous behaviour.
  • This is a numerical evaluation of the code coverage, etc., of a programme.

9. Describe bug release and bug leakage.

  • Bug Release: Bug release occurs when a software package or application is given to the testing team knowing there is a flaw in it. Since issues can be eliminated prior to the final handover, the severity and priority of bugs are low during this time.
  • Bug Leakage: This is the process through which a programme discovers a bug that should have been caught in earlier builds or versions. During testing, the tester is unaware of the flaw; nonetheless, the tester and end-user eventually become aware of it.

10. What kinds of tests are conducted as part of the quality control process?

Testing techniques used in Quality Control procedures include integration testing, unit testing and functional testing. Non-Functional Testing, User Acceptance Testing, System Integration Testing, Beta Testing, Regression Testing, Volume Testing, Performance Testing, Load Testing, Recovery Testing, Installation Testing, Usability Testing and Stress Testing are a few additional types of testing that can aid in quality control.

11. What parameters constitute a standard quality control?

There are two stages involved in software quality control: reviewing and testing.

  • Reviewing Phase: The reviewing step is a kind of static testing or verification process meant to guard against software flaws. This method of improving the development process without running programmes is called process-oriented. The software development life cycle process includes a number of review tasks, including design, requirements, coding,  test cases, test plan and deployment. In essence, it is a process-level verification to guard against software flaws.
  • Testing Phase: The testing phase is where software programme flaws are found. It is a dynamic or validating procedure. This programme execution-based approach to enhancing software product quality is product-oriented. The software development life cycle process includes a number of testing tasks, including unit, integration, system, user acceptability, release, non-functional, and maintenance testing. We also conduct additional functional and non-functional testing as part of this activity, such as retesting, smoke testing, sanity testing, regression testing, as well as performance testing, load testing, stress testing, volume testing, and endurance testing to increase the severity of the developed software product quality, i.e. impact of the defect and the priority. i.e. the importance of fixing the defect.

12. What role do standards play in quality control?

Quality is more than merely making money and losing money or out-competing your rivals. This has to do with keeping a promise, fulfilling fundamental customer expectations, and guaranteeing product safety. However, businesses that adhere to quality standards frequently experience higher earnings and fewer losses. In order to assist product creators in achieving and demonstrating consistent product quality, industry advisory groups have created a collection of good management practises, methodologies, systems, requirements, or specifications known as quality standards.

An organisation should have quality standards in place to keep its team members organised and focused. Redundant processes would be eliminated, reducing expenses because they would no longer be carried out. Setting standards will also enable the team as a whole to be led in the proper direction.

13. What quality metrics do you believe are most crucial?

Every firm will have a unique standard of quality that matters most, whether it is in terms of cost, compliance, speed, or safety. The most crucial quality metric is safety since without it, the other metrics are useless. Our items must be secure if we want customers to believe in us and buy from us. Consumers will cease buying from us if the products are unsafe, which could result in costly legal action.

14. What is boundary testing?

A software testing technique called boundary value analysis, commonly referred to as boundary testing, involves conducting tests based on boundary values or between two opposing endpoints. In this meaning, boundary values are the extreme ends, such as the start and end, lower and upper, or maximum and lowest, and testing such values is known as boundary testing.

15. What are the differences between process and product quality?

The calibre of the production procedures directly affects the calibre of the final product. Consequently, checking a company’s procedures and goods is one of a quality control manager’s responsibilities.

  • Product Quality: Inspections of products’ quality are performed to look for flaws and gauge how closely they adhere to criteria.
  • Process Quality: A process quality examination aims to spot manufacturing process inefficiencies that waste time for the company, slow down the process, or result in lower-quality products.

[ Related Article: Quality Control vs Quality Assurance ]

16. What kind of quality control parameters are available for software quality control?

There are various kinds of quality control parameters used in software quality control, including the following:

  • Resources: It’s crucial to utilise all available tools, technology, and team members effectively. Either an automated or manual testing approach might be used, depending on the project’s budget. The team should have enough resources to prevent flaws or manual errors in manual processes. On the other side, automated testing also needs a technical expert present.
  • Processes: Processes are regulations that must be adhered to when testing a software system or product to guarantee the best outcomes (product deliverables) are attained. A series of procedures will make it possible to carry out a testing method quickly, ensuring that the entire product is tested in accordance with the customer’s requirements without any functional or non-functional flaws going unnoticed.
  • Products: Essentially, the Products represent the client’s true requirements and must be given without any flaws.

QC Interview Questions and Answers For Experienced

17. What are the most important Quality Management Principles (QMP) to concentrate on?

The following are a few of the most crucial quality management guidelines to pay attention to:

Quality Management Principles (QMP)

  • Engagement of People: To be successful, an organisation needs to have engaged, competent, and empowered employees. The ability of the organisation to produce value is improved by having a high-performing, empowered, and engaged staff.
  • Relationship Management: Relationship management is essential for an organisation to maintain success with stakeholders like suppliers.
  • Customer Focus: Quality management focuses on satisfying and exceeding the demands and expectations of the client.
  • Improvement: Successful organisations prioritise improved performance. It is consequently vital to have an improvement-focused mindset.
  • Leadership: Effective leaders establish a sense of cohesion and dedication among their team members and see to it that the organization’s quality goals are achieved.
  • Evidence-based Decision Making: Data-driven choices outperform educated guesses and gut feelings when it comes to delivering the intended outcomes. Decisions that are based on data analysis and review are more likely to produce the desired results.
  • Process Approach: We can more efficiently produce predictable and consistent results by viewing and controlling activities as interconnected processes that work as a cohesive system.

18. What are the characteristics of quality control offered by ISO standards?

Organizations from all over the world create and put into practise various standards to enhance the calibre of software. Several ISO requirements must be fulfilled before items can be released. According to ISO standards, such features include environmental management, quality management, risk management and auditing. Reliability, usefulness, maintainability and efficiency are additional ISO requirements for quality control.

19. Imagine a scenario in which we were under pressure to achieve a deadline, but a flaw prohibited us from accomplishing the goal. How do you handle it?

Stressful quality control procedures are frequently carried out under tight deadlines. Quality control managers must strike a balance between the demands of their position and the deadlines set by the business and their clients in order to be effective.

  • They would first report the problem as soon as they could, allowing them to start fixing it.
  • They gather as much information as they can about the flaw, any potential fixes, and how each would effect timeframes once the flaw has been found.
  • By doing this, they can give their stakeholders the most detailed presentation of the options available, allowing them to make the greatest choice for damage mitigation.

A good quality control expert would rather miss a deadline for a high-quality, secure product than deliver one that is flawed on time.

Learn Abot Quality Analyst Job Description

20. What tools do testers employ during QC tests? OR Which QC tool is your favourite?

For analytics, customer satisfaction management, compliance monitoring, and other purposes, quality control specialists use a number of instruments. Every year, new technology is developed, yet some tools have already established accepted practises. Quality control specialists will eventually need to be adaptable and eager to grasp new technologies.

Nearly all managers and experts in quality control have favoured ways of checking the quality. The stratification (Divide and Conquer), Pareto chart (80/20 Rule), scatter diagram (also known as a Shewhart chart), cause-and-effect diagram (also known as an Ishikawa diagram), check sheet (also known as a tally sheet), histogram, and control chart are the seven main tools for quality control.

The so-called “Seven Basic Tools of Quality” were straightforward to use and could be utilised by anyone with a very basic understanding of statistics to tackle complex quality-related challenges. The tools that they utilise most frequently should be able to be explained by qualified candidates.

21. What information should a process qualification include?

Process certification guarantees that your production procedures can reliably deliver a specific volume over time. Without them, industrial operations will sputter, resulting in missed deadlines and unfilled demands. We assess the facilities, materials, software applications, equipment or hardware, employees, quality monitoring and risk tools as part of the process qualification.

22. Explain the PDCA cycle?

The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) model/cycle is sometimes referred to as the Deming Wheel, the Shewhart Cycle, and PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act). A PDCA cycle encourages the deliberate, exacting application of fixes for issues. It is a four-step procedure that helps teams steer clear of common errors and enhance development procedures. To continually progress, PDCA should be done indefinitely in the same way that a circle is limitless.

PDCA Cycle

  • Plan: After determining and comprehending your opportunity or challenge, the next stage is to decide how to move forward. Depending on the scale of the project, planning takes a substantial amount of effort from your team. A good plan typically consists of smaller steps to reduce the likelihood of failure.
  • Do: Now that you have decided on a course of action, carry it out. You put all the things you thought about in the previous stage into practise in this phase. Unexpected issues may arise at this point. In a perfect world, you would test your strategy in a small-scale, controlled setting.
  • Check: Pay special attention to the check phase if you want to create a clear plan, prevent repeating mistakes, and utilise continuous improvement successfully. Examine the results of the implementation of your plan to see if it was successful. Additionally, your team will be able to spot troublesome aspects of the current procedure and do away with them in the future. Repeat the Do and Check steps while experimenting with further modifications. In the event that something goes wrong, you must identify the underlying cause. In any event, you should restart the planning phase if your previous strategy doesn’t work.
  • Act: Your strategy was developed, put into practise, and reviewed in the earlier steps. Acting is now necessary. You can move forward and carry out your original strategy as long as everything seems to be going well and your team was successful in accomplishing the first targets. Your PDCA model then serves as your new standard. Ask your team to go through each step again whenever you repeat a standardised plan in order to enhance the care.

23. Describe the various software control viewpoints.

The various software control views are as follows:

  • Development View: The degree to which a product complies with its necessary specifications determines its quality.
  • User Perspective: The degree to which a product satisfies the needs of the user determines its quality.
  • Value-based View: The quantity of clients willing to pay for a product determines its quality.
  • Product View: View from the Product: A product’s attributes define its quality.

24. It’s crucial that we run our business as efficiently as possible. What are your duties as a manager of quality control in terms of minimising waste?

A quality control specialist’s primary responsibility is quality, but they also have a big impact on labour and resource efficiency.

Analysis of defect rates and benchmark comparisons is one of the main duties of QC specialists. Quality control experts can determine where they fall short and offer solutions to improve them, saving the company time, money, and resources.

25. What is your everyday routine for quality control?

Here are some regular tasks that serve as quality controls:

  • One of your everyday responsibilities is to keep an eye on and inspect the processes taking place for particular products.
  • Similarly, you must record any modifications or testing carried out on the products.
  • In addition to these, you should constantly make sure that the goods you transport comply with local, state, and federal levels.

26. What strategy do you use while working on a brand-new quality control project?

The secret to quality control is using the appropriate standards. The first stage in every quality control project is to define quality and the standards that must be adhered to in order to attain it. Without it, we are unable to set benchmarks for any upcoming inspections. Thus it is essential. A quality control specialist needs to be aware of how crucial it is to follow strict quality control standards and procedures.

27. How do you respond if a defect or issue is discovered during production?

Keep a positive attitude whenever you discover a fault or error. Working in quality control requires that you constantly look for irregularities.

Always note any flaws or faults you come across and let your superiors know about them so they may pass the information on to the production team, who can then adapt their own methods to ensure a bug-free product.

28. Explain the difference between stress testing and load testing.

Among the most popular kinds of quality control testing are load testing and system testing.

  • Stress testing: A stress test is used to figure out a system’s maximum capacity under conditions of high load, such as the Slashdot effect, a DDoS attack, or other situations. The test validates the stability and dependability of the system.
  • Load testing: By carrying out load tests, you can learn how a system will operate under actual load conditions. Load testing evaluates how well a system functions, for instance, in the presence of heavy demand, such as many concurrent users.

29. Specify the characteristics of quality control.

Several distinct characteristics of quality control include:

  • Implementing a new set of procedures.
  • To produce a superior product.
  • Offering clients high-quality goods at competitive prices.
  • Enhancing quality by putting procedures from many organisations and standards into practise.
  • To make sure the test plan is carried out correctly.
  • A proper review procedure should be used to ensure that the execution is planned.
  • The effectiveness and efficiency with which a system or product can be altered to enhance, fix, or adjust to a changing environment.

30. What aspects of quality control serve to ensure the excellence of products and systems?

There are various aspects to consider when evaluating the software quality of a system or a product, as listed below:

  • Portability: A software product’s ability to be used in various locations or situations is known as portability.
  • Usability: The software’s ease of use or operation.
  • Maintainability: A software product’s maintainability refers to how simple it is to update and maintain it.
  • Efficiency: How well a product operates or can successfully meet the requirements.
  • Reliability: How long a product can run without any issues or downtime is its level of reliability.

31. How would quality control be handled when your workers work in multiple shifts?

When the timer strikes five o’clock, quality control is not over. Processes that ensure consistency, regardless of the shift it is produced on, are essential in today’s 24/7 world of manufacturing.

Communication is the key to working with employees that work different shifts. The easiest method to maintain consistency between shifts is to set up standardised procedures that allow each shift to continue where the previous one left off effortlessly. Additionally, each inspector needs to perform a shift at least once to understand the range of operations.

Most Common Quality Control FAQs

32. How do you prepare for a quality control interview?

The best way to prepare for a quality control interview is to study the job description for the position you’re applying for. Then, consider a few specific examples from your past in which you demonstrated the abilities and characteristics required to perform the work successfully.

33. What comes first, QA or QC?

Since QA is involved in the early stages of software development and QC is involved during the execution stage of software development, QA comes first.

34. What are the 4 types of quality control?

The four types of quality control are:

  • Process control
  • Control charts
  • Acceptance sampling
  • Product quality control.

While a control chart aids in the analysis of evolving processes through time, process control and product quality control aid in the monitoring and standardisation of goods. In order to establish whether a batch or sample of products satisfies the requirements, acceptance sampling is a special form that uses a statistical measure.

35. What is a QC checklist?

A quality control checklist is essentially a guidebook for the elements that make up your products, such as their composition, packaging, colour, barcodes, appearance, potential defects, functions, and special requirements. The terms “inspection criteria sheet” and “inspection checklist” may also be used to refer to it.

If you have any doubts, reach out to us in our MindMajix Community

Tips To Crack Quality Control Interview

Tip #1: Have Some Questions of Your Own Prepared in Advance

There is nothing wrong with having a group of questions and thoughts; it demonstrates that you have done your research and are interested in learning more about the company and the position.

Tip #2: Make Connections Between the Job Description and Your Resume

To help you make connections between your resume and the job description, first read them both again. Where do they connect? We want you to seize every chance to position yourself for success.

Tip #3: Make the Best Out of Your Resume

A resume is typically used to describe your professional experience. It is crucial to get the job you want. Create your resume in accordance with the job description of the organisation to which you have applied. Let them know you are the ideal candidate for the position.

Tip #4: Practice Mock Interviews

No matter how thoroughly you prepare, it’s normal to experience stress and feel overwhelmed right before the interview. In this regard, mock interviews might be quite beneficial.

Tip #5: Be Honest and Clear

If you are unsure about the answer to any question the interviewer asks. If you need some time to collect your thoughts, fine to pause for a min and ask the interviewer for some time to think.


Companies use quality control to make sure that their products continue to meet their requirements. Numerous roles are involved in quality control, such as Quality Control Inspector, Manager and Administrator. The above-listed quality control interview questions are brief and perceptive, and they offer a plethora of information that are essential to the interview process.