Total Quality Management Principles | Explore the 11 Specific Principles


Introduction to Total Quality Management Principles

Perfection is a thing which is required in every field to become successful. And to achieve perfection, hard work and quality are required in every work assigned. Therefore, every company and firm hire a skillful and knowledgeable person so that he can use his skills and provide quality work, which leads the company to the zenith. The concept of Total quality management is a very popular concept in the field of business. According to this concept, each employee in the company put his full zeal and skill to provide quality to work given and be responsible for the work done. It also emphasis on the continuous quality improvement in the work. The inception of this concept is originally from Japan in 1954, and until now, so much improvement is noticed. At this time, it prevails in almost all the organizations like companies, industries, schools, hospitals, and many other entities. It is abbreviated as TQMIn this topic, we are going to learn about Total Quality Management Principles.

What is the Requirement of the TQM?

Total quality management is required in every field because the quality of the work matters a lot for every entity, whether it is a small enterprise or a big enterprise. Every company wants to provide its best to the customer so that the product will get fame. This is the cause of the requirement of the TQM. Apart from that, in this world of globalization and competition, only the quality is the thing, which is the utmost feature of the product to compete.

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Principles of Total Quality Management?

To achieve the total quality of the products, there are some specific principles necessary to understand for everyone associated with it.

1. Employee Involvement

If we talk about the first principle of Total quality management, it is the involvement of the employees in the process. Until and unless the employees are not motivated enough and are not willing to do work, It is impossible to achieve the task of Total quality management (TQM). So, the involvement of the employees is a must preferably. This is done by giving them some motivation and allowances etc.

2. Focus on customers

Apart from Employee involvement, the other most important principle of TQM is the customers. Every product is made for the customer, and if the product is not customer-centric, it will not be beneficial for the company. So, the Utmost task is to understand the customer’s need, that what is the requirement in the market by the customers or What type of product they want and the specification. To understand the customers’ view, a general survey may be conducted, or some Hypothesis is made that provide a rough idea about the requirement and also help the company to stay on the path of quality management.

3. Continuous Improvement

Another important principle for TQM is to evaluate the improvement and to vigil over the product’s quality. This task is basically assigned to the managers so that they look at each and every matter regarding the product. The continuous improvement here means is to keep learning from every mistake and cure it so that it will not impact the quality of the product.

4. Communication

Communication is another necessary principle in the TQM; it means there should be a proper link between the employees and the managers to resolve problems easily and the best quality is delivered. Here communication may be from the higher hierarchy to the lower one and vice and Versa.

5. Decision Making

Decision-making is the essential feature of the TQM; while concluding a decision, the facts and details regarding the product should be kept in view. The decision should never be taken on emotional facts and personal interests. The decision-making task is generally provided to the higher hierarchy because they have experience and knowledge.

6. Strategic and Systematic approach

In every project and assignment, a systematic approach and a strategy must be required because it will save time and resources. Apart from that, A systematic approach eliminates the cause of the error and leads the project towards the best quality, which is actually required.

7. Integrated System

An integrated system means a formal organization, which is working as a proper channel. There should be a proper hierarchy and the separation of work. Also, the quality and experience of previous assignments also included in this principle of an integrated system. This is also tantamount to the principle of the unity of command, where there are instructions of one immediate boss rather than many bosses and many commands.

8. Process-centered

The fact and figures and other details should be relevant to the project in process, which means there should not be other things that are not required and create confusion that may harm the project’s quality. Therefore, concentration and clarity regarding the project are the musts. So, this is not odd to say that These all qualities in the employees make them process-centered.

9. Futuristic Approach

Here futuristic approach means to look beyond the present so that if in the upcoming time any changes are there in the pattern, it should be easily replaceable so that it did not hurt the process.

10. Backup Plan

There must be a backup plan for every process which is initiated. This is a very beneficial and strategic task because Total quality management focuses only on quality and continuity.

11. Team Management

Every process is completed when there are mutual coordination and understanding in the team, so team management is an essential task for the managers in the process of TQM.


All the things, or we can say the principles discussed above, are essential for providing good quality to the project. Total quality management is the most required parameter in every company because it provides the value addition in the project and also the time and resources and saved. TQM parameters may be different for different organizations, but the aim is common to achieve the best quality. As time flies and we are getting modern and technical many new changes are also introduced in this parameter also. Like much new software is introduced in the market, which makes the work easy to evaluate this parameter very minutely. By and then, TQM  will always work on board in the companies, and the changes should also require in recruitment and training policies so that these basic things should impart in the employees from the inception when they start the training and come on a roll. This initiative benefits the company in a long time manner.

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This has been a guide to Total Quality Management Principles. Here we have discussed the basic concept with some specific principles to achieve the total quality of the products. You may also look at the following article to learn more –