Training Certificate Template –

Training Certificate Template

When people attend a training course it’s good to acknowledge their achievement. It is easy to create a simple training certificate, which can be printed on good quality paper, and then presented to the trainees at the end of the training course or programme. 

You can even frame the certificates to create an classy final touch, if the trainees are likely to want to display the certificates. 

When creating certificates use text boxes with decorative borders and suitable fonts – two or three font styles in font sizes that are suitable for each section. 

Centred and fully justified text layout works well for certificates. Italic and script fonts are also suitable for certificates. Good quality parchment-style paper for certificates can be obtained from most stationery and office equipment suppliers.

To create a training certificate, use a standard sheet layout. Black print is fine. It is often easier to design professional-looking certificates in mono than full colour.

Using good quality parchment-type paper adds to the effect. Good quality special paper can make certificates look a lot more professional than colour printing. Here is the typical content to include on training certificates, from top to bottom (the red
sub-headings suggest sections of the certificate):

Certificate Border, Logo(s) and Heading


Create a smart border – the text box tool does it quite adequately. Simple double or triple lined or shaded straight line borders work very well, and are generally more professional and classy-looking than fancy swirly patterns. Keep is simple, and allow
good space between the different headings or sections of text.

Logo(s) of the Training Organisation and/or the Client Organisation

Insert picture file(s) into the top centre or top corners of the certificate. Ensure the images are good quality. Black and white graphics work perfectly well.


Use a large font size for the main heading: Certificate of Training, or Certificate of Achievement. Use a smart professional-looking font; script and italic create a feel of quality and authority.

Training Course Title and Description

Training Course or Activity Title

State the name or title of the course, for example, Introduction to Management. Use a prominent font and size.

Course Duration

State the course duration, ie., number of days, for example, for a two day course use a phrase like A Two Day Course


If the course is a part of a larger programme, or if some brief description is necessary to more clearly define the course, then state a brief sub-heading here, for example Part One of the Management Development Programme


If appropriate state the venue, as appropriate, which might be the name of the offices, training centre, a town and country, whatever is suitable.


Start this section with This is to certify that or This certifies that

Then, beneath it create a dotted line on which you can write the trainee’s name, or instead state the trainee’s name using a suitable font.

State beneath the person’s name: successfully completed the above course (adding whatever description and additional information about elements and activities covered).

Signatures and Date

Signatures of those awarding the certificate

State the organisations which are signing (awarding) the certificate. Create dotted lines for signatures on behalf of the trainer organisation, and if appropriate the client organisation, plus dates, and printed titles of the body(ies) represented by
the signatures. For example:

For (training organisation name)

Signed ………………………………….

For (client or trainee’s organisation)

Signed ………………………………….


After the signature lines, show the date that the training course is completed and the certificate is awarded, or create a dotted line so that the certificate date can be hand-written onto the certificate.

Awarding Organisation Membership Body Details

At the foot of the certificate state the awarding organisation’s name, plus website, brief address details, as applicable. Also show here any logos or details relevant to the awarding organisation’s accreditation, professional registration or quality


Here is a free PDF sample training certificate template.

Here is a free MSWord file training certificate template for you to adapt.