uncompromising quality

Hi, let’s say you went to a car dealer and saw this great car which really impressed you. You are someone who knows a lot about cars, and, as you examined the car’s exterior and interior, you could tell that the car designer had been particular about every detail of this car in order to be fully satisfied. Then you received a call from your boss at work and had to leave the dealership immediately, without test-driving the great car. Now, later in the day, you say the following to one of your colleagues who likes cars:

“By the way, I went to a car dealer this morning and saw this great car. It had an uncompromising quality in exterior and interior.”

You had to add “in exterior and interior” because you only checked them and didn’t have time to check the car’s driving performance etc. which, unlike its exterior and interior, may

not be perfect.

I’m looking for a noun or noun phrase that explains the underlined part (because the noun occasionally appears in a Japanese document which I need to translate into English). Is “uncompromising quality” an appropriate expression? An expression that is a little more closer to the original Japanese expression in meaning would be something like

“I could feel an uncompromisingness in/from the car’s exterior and interior”

. (“Uncompromisingness” is probably an unnatural expression…)