Verification and Validation in Software Quality Management

Verification and Validation Explained

Verification and validation – These are the two important aspects of software quality management. Verification gives the answer to the question whether the software is being developed in a correct way and validation provides the answer whether the right software is being produced. In a nutshell, verification denotes precision whereas validation indicates value of the end or final product. Verification and validation is an important step used in various processes in different industries.

Importance of Validation

Validation is requisite in the quality management process. It makes sure that the process or product meets the purpose intended. There are different categories of validation in general described below-

Prospective Validation

This type of validation is done to ensure the characteristics of interest before the product gets launched. Proper functioning of the product meeting the safety standards is also checked in the process of validation.

Retrospective Validation

This kind of validation is done against the written specifications. Retrospective validation is actually based on the historical data or evidence that had been documented.

Partial Validation

This kind of validation is commonly used in research and pilot studies.  During this process the most important effects get tested.

Periodical Validation

There are certain items of interest that at times get repaired, relocated, dismissed or integrated in specified time laps. This kind of validation is carried out for such items.

Concurrent Validation

This kind of validation process I usually carried out during the routine service, manufacturing or engineering processing.

Cross Validation

This type of validation technique is suitable for estimation of performance of a predictive model in statistics.

Verification and Validation in Software Development

Six Sigma initiatives deserve all the accolades for bringing the verification and validation aspects in the picture with Design for Six Sigma model. Before use or release, Design for Six Sigma is utilized to make products and processes perfect. It is actually an application of Six Sigma principles in order to design the products and also look after the manufacturing and support process. For better understanding, let’s have a look at key Six Sigma methodologies.

DMAIC Methodology

Define the problem or the project goals

Measure the problem

Analyze the data and process

Improve the process


DMADV Methodology

Define the problem or the project goals

Measure and determine needs of customer

Analyze the process in order to meet the goals

Design a process to serve the purpose

Verify the design performance

DFSS Methodology (Design for Six Sigma)

It has following steps for quality management –






What makes DFSS different from DMAIC is the verification and validation part. It can successfully get applied to Software Engineering as the methodology can cover the overall Software Development Cycle. The major emphasis of DFSS is on designing and re-designing the services or products and making them ready for the commercial market.

Eliminate defects with Verification and Validation

The word ‘defects’ is very dangerous for the software development processes. Defects are something that is not right with the product or services. Therefore, it becomes highly essential to keep the defect at a bay during the software development process, and Design for Six Sigma helps to eliminate the defects. The objective is to pursue continuing process improvement by verifying and validating the processes. Six Sigma quality management methods offer a methodical way to figure out the defects and aid to rectify them accordingly. It is an approach to achieve quality level of zero defects.