What’s Your Best Personality Trait? [QUIZ] – Goodnet

When it comes to the people we love, most of us can wax lyrical about what makes them so amazing. We value compassion and humor, courage and wisdom, friendliness and creativity. But when it comes to ourselves and our own personality traits, sometimes the good things are harder to see. This quick quiz will identify your best characteristic – and value it, too!

Goodnet: What’s Your Best Personality Trait? [QUIZ]

Playbuzz: Find Out Your Dominant Personality Trait


When it comes to the people we love, most of us can wax lyrical about what makes them so amazing. We value compassion and humor, courage and wisdom, friendliness and creativity. But when it comes to ourselves and our personality traits, sometimes the good things are harder to see. This quick quiz will identify your best characteristic – and value it, too!



Wow, you sure are a people person! You love meeting new people and getting to know them – and of course you always have time for your buddies. Along with being friendly, you’re also about as open-minded as they come, and have a generous spirit.


You probably know them all, but just in case – here’s 6 scientific facts that prove friends are good for you: https://www.goodnet.org/articles/6-reasons-your-friends-are-100-good-for-you-list


You are: BRAVE

Whether it’s taking on a challenge at work or striking up a difficult conversation with a friend, you can always be counted on to make the courageous move. You’re strong-willed, sure of yourself and fiercely moral. Good on you!


This inspiring video will speak to your brave soul: https://www.goodnet.org/articles/surprisingly-inspring-human-pyramid-contest-video


You are: FUNNY

Always the joker at school, being funny is your thing. It’s how you make people feel comfortable, lighten the mood and show your smarts. Not surprisingly, you’re also lots of fun to being around, and always up for a spontaneous adventure – with plenty of entertainment along the way!


These comedians are right up your alley – using the power of the joke to make the world a better place: https://www.goodnet.org/articles/5-comedians-who-turn-their-funny-into-support-for-worthy-causes-list


You are: WISE

When it comes to giving good advice – you’re the cream of the crop! You’re wise beyond your years, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. You love a deep conversation – pondering the meaning of the universe or giving close friends advice on difficult relationships. You have a firm grasp of the way the mind works, and a knack for helping other people understand, too.


Get inspired with these quotes from fellow wise one, the Dalai Lama: https://www.goodnet.org/articles/10-inspirational-quotes-by-dalai-lama-to-brighten-your-day-list



Calm in spirit and deeply loving, compassion is your best personality trait. You have a knack for seeing the good in everyone, and usually forgive people before they even ask. You get a deep satisfaction from working for the greater good, and see all beings as equal in the respect they deserve.


This video about the human spirit will speak to your kind soul: https://www.goodnet.org/articles/new-take-on-darwin-humans-are-kind-video



A drive to create and inspire fuels your every move – at work, with friends and at home. Whether you’re involved in artistic pursuits or problem solving at the office, your creative side is always behind your best results.


This beautiful video is sure to get your creative juices flowing – as if you need any help! https://www.goodnet.org/articles/blank-page-as-jump-point-for-creativity-video


What makes you a good friend?


You’re awesome at keeping secrets

Your silliness

The great advice you give

Your caring side

You’re interesting


You spill spaghetti sauce on your white shirt right before an important meeting. How do you react?

Run straight to the bathroom to try to wash it out and avoid a stain

Have a laugh with your friends about it

Breathe a sigh of relief that you always keep a spare shirt in your car

Shrug it off


What do you love about your friends?








When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?








What brightens up your day?

A call from an old friend

Doing something new

A good laugh

Rest and relaxation time

Helping someone else

A good meal


It’s your best friend’s birthday:

Gift card time!

We don’t usually do birthday presents

You’ve been working on a heartfelt gift for months already

You’re taking them out for dinner


You have an entire day to yourself – what do you do?

Beach with friends!

Everything! Work, chores, catch up with some friends.

Catch up on your favorite TV show

Spend time outside, preferably doing something active

Spend quality time with your partner or best friend

Start something new like a book or a craft project


If you could have one superpower, what would it be?


Lightening speed


The ability to fly

Endless energy